Dark Sayings Made of Light
I draw out words that well up from dark silence,
Words that are not words first, but still small echoes,
The thoughts you give when my thought-springs have dried up,
Like seeps of light drawn from deep dark underground,
Words formed in silence, whispered close in the ear
Like drips resounding in the cold well of hope,
Beyond all expectation, thirst and desire
Except the longing for the waters of life.
In the beginning, before all things were made,
Before a word was spoken, you were the Word,
A paradox for ears that hear your passion.
As Father, Son and Spirit spoke together,
“Let there be light,” You said, and light was authored,
And there were words alive, light to carry truth;
Ripe new words rang out through vast eternity.
And all your words sent to the edge of the world
And everlasting past the deep end of time
Still carry that same bold word: Let there be light!
Born of pain, we all speak words twisted and torn,
Born crooked, all of us, into this bent world,
Awaiting the awakening of true light,
Yearning for the life-path of our untwisting
To be found only through grace by second birth.
That path is golden light poured into our hearts,
The unspoken Word, the sunlight in darkness,
Scrawled in wet sand on a beach, words of pure light,
Treasures both old and new, both God and human.
You give out words to give, to speak, write and live.
The weight of glory lightens heavy burdens;
Dark sayings made of light untangle bent lives.